Welcome! I'm MovieKnight

Movies are my passion. Movies are my life. If you can't talk about movies, I can't talk to you.
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Daybreakers (January 8, 2010) R

Ethan Hawke (Training Day 2001, "Moby Dick" 2010)
Willem Dafoe (Spiderman 2002, John Carter of Mars 2012)
Sam Neill (Jurassic Park 1993, Ice 2010)
Isabel Lucas (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 2009, Red Dawn 2010)
Claudia Karvan (Footy Legends 2006, "Spirited" 2010)

2010 has started on a very strong note: Daybreakers. A bloody, gorey, hardcore, intense, suspenseful, vampiric note.

This film depicts the unhappy ending so many other vampire movies have fought to avoid. What if the vampires won? What if there were billions of vampires populating earth and only a few million humans? How would it change things? How would priorities change? What would America's new moral battles be over? How much blood can one fight scene contain?

Daybreakers is about as realistic (and bloody) as a vampire movie can be... almost.
I wasn't impressed with a few things. Like how this film made leaps and bounds to be a "realistic" vampire movie, and yet the vamps had no reflection... hasn't Hollywood abandoned that old wive's tale/myth. And I thought Buffy held the patent on vampires bursting into flames upon receipt of a stake to the heart...

Corniness aside, Daybreakers is a film for theaters. The volume needs to be loud, the room has to be dark, and no TV has room for all that blood.

Did I mention it's bloody?

Factoid: Daybreakers was filmed in summer 2007.
Also, director Michael Spierig believes that overpopulation is "ultimately what's going to kill us" (http://www.shockya.com/).

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