Welcome! I'm MovieKnight

Movies are my passion. Movies are my life. If you can't talk about movies, I can't talk to you.
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I do my best to make this blog interesting, useful, and informative.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street (December 25, 2013) R

Leonardo DiCaprio (The Departed, Shutter Island, Gangs of New York)
Jonah Hill (This is the End, 21 Jump Street, Moneyball)
Margot Robbie (About Time, Vigilante)
Kyle Chandler (Early Edition, Zero Dark Thirty, Super 8)
Jon Bernthal (Snitch, The Walking Dead, Mob City)

One of the best movies of 2013, some of the best acting I've seen, and definitely Jonah Hill's best acting I've seen to date.
Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio) and coworkers midget-tossing in the office
(Photo taken from au.movies.yahoo.com)
This movie was as explicit as it was histerical.  I've been calling it "the Goodfellas of Wall Street movies".  The similarities it shares with Goodfellas are many and describing them would spoil key plot points.

DiCaprio's acting was up to the DiCaprio bar that he's set with excellent movies like Gangs of New York and Shutter Island, but his excellence was frequently overshadowed by Hill's performance.  The scenes between Hill and Bernthal were highlights to me; their chemistry, how much their characters hated each other, it was all perfect.

This movie wasn't made to be a comedy, but I difinitely laughed harder in this than in Anchorman 2.

Donnie Azoff (Hill) having a genius break-through 
with Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio)
(Photo taken from postgradproblems.com)
Factoid: The Wolf of Wall Street has 508 f-words (at 3 hours in length that's 2.8 f-words per minute), the second most of any movie ever released on the big screen.  The #1 spot goes to a documentary about the widely used f-word simply titled "Fuck" starring Drew Carey.

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